This week...
I won a skein of yarn in an Instagram giveaway! It happened first thing on Monday morning and it made the week start on such a positive note. It’s coming from a girl all the way in the US so I hope it doesn’t get lost!
I had to go to Rome for a couple of hours on Tuesday and I had to leave very early in the morning. Mum brought me to the station- we had coffee together and we went for a little walk while waiting for the coach. It was absolutely lovely. The day was super tiring and stressful between having to carry a huge stack of library books and dealing with a professor that hasn’t quite gotten how to use computers yet, but the morning at the station was just lovely.
I finished my first ever pair of socks (and another single sock, too). There’s a massive difference in terms of quality between the first and the second one I made, but I’m really proud of myself. I’m using some inexpensive, quite scratchy yarn to practice, and I can’t wait to make a pair out of some soft merino. I also finished the yellow lace top and it fits really well! I’m almost certainly going to dye it blue once I have the time to go out and buy the dye.
I realized I haven’t read a book in two months, which is strange to say the least. My reading usually slows down when I’m in the middle of exams but never actually stops. I have a few books that I got for my birthday way back in March and I’m so looking forward to reading them at the beach in a few days!
I bought a pair of high heels for the university gala night on Wednesday. I have this love-hate relationship with them because they’re very pretty -I wouldn’t have bought them otherwise- but they’re high heels, and I’m probably going to wear them once a year if at all. I hate spending money on items that I know upfront I’m not going to wear often but that I have to buy anyway because I need them. I asked some friends if they had any heels that I could borrow, but they didn’t go with my dress (and obviously I didn’t want to buy a new dress). Ugh.
I received some yarn in the mail for my upcoming knitting project, which is a Summer cardigan. I have been meaning to make one since before I even knew how to knit and most importantly I really need one, so I am beyond excited to start working on it once I’m done with exams.
I listened to the new Florence + the Machine album and I love it SO MUCH. It’s the same Florence as always but at the same time it’s a more mature, grown-up Florence and I’m IN LOVE WITH IT.
I’m thankful that it started getting really hot only three days before my exam so that I didn’t have to study in the heat. I have been incredibly lazy lately and I really hope I get lucky at the exam in two days’ time.
I want to get better at taking photos of my day-to-day life.