Sunday, 27 May 2018

This week. #5

This week... 

I had an exam and I am proud of how I did. I had studied hard for it, I felt actually prepared and for once I felt like I was on the same level as the professor. I got a high mark but I decided to retake it in two weeks to hopefully get a higher mark (you can do that here in Italy) and I really hope I don’t regret this decision.

I had a super lazy day the day after the exam. I sat on the couch for the whole morning watching QVC -my guilty pleasure- and knit a little cotton headband from start to finish, which I had been meaning to do for ages. I had lunch with my Dad, which never happens usually because he always comes back home late, and then went for a walk with Mum. It felt like the first day of Summer.

I went for an evening walk with my brother and Mum yesterday, which was unusual (in a pleasant way of course). We had ice cream and walked into one of my childhood friends' parents and had a little chat.

I visited my Grandma, who I hadn't seen in ten days. The weather was gorgeous and put me in a very lazy mood. I pruned a rosebush and planted some nasturtium.

I worked on my woolen sweater some more - the body is completely done, now I'm halfway through the first sleeve. I can't wait to finish it, but at the same time I have been working on it for a month and it's getting a bit boring now, especially because it's all the same colour. So yesterday I gave up and started a new sweater - I couldn't wait any longer! I also started knitting a hot pad but ran out of cotton yarn about three fourths in, haha.

I went grocery shopping with my Mum and brother in a new health food shop and it was so fun! We spent an hour walking around, calling each other when we saw something interesting and filling our cart with fancy food. I love going grocery shopping, I always find it so relaxing.

I feel weirdly relaxed - I say weirdly because I should be anything but relaxed, considering I still have two exams to do over the next month and a half. I need to start studying more intensely tomorrow. I also want to write at least one page of my dissertation.

Monday, 21 May 2018

This week. #4

This week... 

I’m feeling stressed about this exam and worried about not knowing what will happen if I decide to retake it.

I’m enjoying looking at all the little birds that come and sit on the tree outside my window, especially the blackbird. He always sits on the same branch every day!

I had lunch with my mother while we watched the royal wedding. It was sunny and our only care was this frivolous, happy event. Blissful.

I discovered the name of the two flowers in the photo above, which are making my room smell wonderful - honeysuckle and ‘Félicité et Perpetue’ rose.

I had a really fun Facetime with my best friend in Australia. I can’t wait for her to come back in July.

I was sick one day and felt completely fine the day after - I had a bit of a stomach bug and fever that made me feel totally wiped out. I’m thankful it wasn’t anything serious.

I love looking forward all day to watching a couple of episode of The Office with my brother. It’s a nice way to unwind and end the day on a positive note.

I haven’t been reading at all during the month of May and it makes me sad, but it’s always the case when I’m studying for exams.

I have been reminded that life is wonderful always, and a privilege.

Sunday, 13 May 2018

This week. #3

Last week... 

I couldn’t post because I had a bout of tendinitis in my right arm and I didn’t want to aggravate it any further. I still have to be careful now not to use my right arm too much, but it’s going better.

This week... 

I had one very good, productive day of study. I was the most focused I’ve been in a long time and it was very rewarding. I found that studying outside (only on the balcony, but still) makes me concentrate more than when I’m sitting at my desk.

I made progress on my sweater! I divided for the sleeves and now I’m working on the body. It’s all stockinette from now on so it’s super relaxing. I’m surprised at how easy to make this sweater is turning out, considering it’s my first knitted garment (well I’ve made a shawl earlier this year, but that was almost too easy).

I thought about how if I could go back in time I would do university completely differently, both on the curricular aspect and the social aspect. Completely differently. 

I went for a walk in my hometown with my parents and I can’t remember the last time that that has happened. It was lovely. Then after dinner we watched a documentary together in the living room, and I can’t remember the last time we did that either.

I started working again on my Wild Violet cross stitch project and I’m really enjoying it. It’s a really small design so I should be done with it soon! I got myself a lap frame a couple of months ago so I can stitch two-handed and don’t put as much stress on my right arm, and it’s working!

I doubted my abilities, as always.