Sunday, 27 May 2018

This week. #5

This week... 

I had an exam and I am proud of how I did. I had studied hard for it, I felt actually prepared and for once I felt like I was on the same level as the professor. I got a high mark but I decided to retake it in two weeks to hopefully get a higher mark (you can do that here in Italy) and I really hope I don’t regret this decision.

I had a super lazy day the day after the exam. I sat on the couch for the whole morning watching QVC -my guilty pleasure- and knit a little cotton headband from start to finish, which I had been meaning to do for ages. I had lunch with my Dad, which never happens usually because he always comes back home late, and then went for a walk with Mum. It felt like the first day of Summer.

I went for an evening walk with my brother and Mum yesterday, which was unusual (in a pleasant way of course). We had ice cream and walked into one of my childhood friends' parents and had a little chat.

I visited my Grandma, who I hadn't seen in ten days. The weather was gorgeous and put me in a very lazy mood. I pruned a rosebush and planted some nasturtium.

I worked on my woolen sweater some more - the body is completely done, now I'm halfway through the first sleeve. I can't wait to finish it, but at the same time I have been working on it for a month and it's getting a bit boring now, especially because it's all the same colour. So yesterday I gave up and started a new sweater - I couldn't wait any longer! I also started knitting a hot pad but ran out of cotton yarn about three fourths in, haha.

I went grocery shopping with my Mum and brother in a new health food shop and it was so fun! We spent an hour walking around, calling each other when we saw something interesting and filling our cart with fancy food. I love going grocery shopping, I always find it so relaxing.

I feel weirdly relaxed - I say weirdly because I should be anything but relaxed, considering I still have two exams to do over the next month and a half. I need to start studying more intensely tomorrow. I also want to write at least one page of my dissertation.

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